
**NEW**Running A Successful Facebook Ad**NEW**

You never used Facebook advertising platform? Or you did, but had no results? Maybe a simple click on “Boost post” was all you did? Learn how to advertise on Facebook properly! In this ebook you will learn: 1. Why Facebook advertising 2. Types of Facebook adverts and their position 3. Working with Campaigns, Ad sets and Ads 4. Targeting your audience 5. Defining the budget and the placement 6. Analyzing results Download this ebook in an easy-to-read form and start exploring. Upon getting this ebook you will also be given THE ADVANCED FACEBOOK ADVERTISING ebook worth N5000 for free. In THE ADVANCED FACEBOOK ADVERTISING ebook You are going to learn how to use all the options in Facebook ads manager that will help you to run a successful ad on Facebook... For now we are giving out THE ADVANCED FACEBOOK ADVERTISING ebook for free when you get THE BEGINNERS FACEBOOK ADVERTISING ebook but soon we are going to put a price tag on THE ADVANCED FACEBO